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Latest Past Events

Science Fair

Delta Intermediate Science Fair

Discover new innovations and engage in hands-on learning with the Annual Delta College Science Fair. Showcase projects and compete for prizes. Delta College Science Fair was an outstanding success this year, attracting students from across the region to showcase their innovative projects. The event, held on campus, saw a record number of participants and visitors, […]


Delta College Presents: Concert Event

Delta College's Concert Event was a resounding success, bringing together students, community members, and music lovers for an unforgettable evening of diverse performances. The Delta College Concert was a massive success, attracting hundreds of students, alumni, and members of the local community. The concert, which was organized by the college's Student Activities department, aimed to […]


Celebrating Athletic Achievements and Sportsmanship

PTM Strengthening the Partnership for Student Success Delta recognizes the important role that parents play in their child's education, and we are dedicated to fostering strong relationships between parents and teachers. Delta College Parent-Teacher Meet was a huge success, with parents, teachers, and administrators coming together to discuss the progress and achievements of our students. […]