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Sports- Gala
Celebrating Athletic Achievements and Sportsmanship

Delta college is proud to present the annual Sports Gala, a celebration of the hard work, dedication, and sportsmanship of our student-athletes.

A Spectacular Display of Athletic Prowess and Sportsmanship

The annual Sports Gala was a resounding success, with students, faculty, staff, and members of the community gathering to celebrate the athletic achievements of our college. The event was a showcase of the hard work, determination, and passion of our student-athletes, who demonstrated their skills and sportsmanship on the field, court, and track.

The competitions were fierce, with athletes pushing their limits and delivering impressive performances. The track and field events were particularly exciting, with sprinters racing to the finish line and jumpers soaring to new heights. Cricket and Football were also high-energy affairs, with both teams giving it their all and the crowds cheering them on.

In addition to the athletic events, the Sports Gala also featured a number of special exhibitions, including a parade of athletes, a skills competition, and a tribute to our graduating seniors. These exhibitions added to the festive atmosphere and demonstrated the depth of talent and sportsmanship in our college.

Overall, the Sports Gala was a celebration of the hard work and passion of our student-athletes, and a testament to the strength of our college’s athletic programs. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all those who participated and contributed to the success of this wonderful event.

Event Details

  • Start: June 18, 2022 @ 7:30 am
  • End: July 31, 2022 @ 6:00 pm
  • Event Category:


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