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Strengthening the Partnership for Student Success

Delta recognizes the important role that parents play in their child’s education, and we are dedicated to fostering strong relationships between parents and teachers.

Delta College Parent-Teacher Meet was a huge success, with parents, teachers, and administrators coming together to discuss the progress and achievements of our students. The event provided a valuable opportunity for parents to gain insight into their child’s academic performance and to engage in meaningful conversations with their child’s teachers.

The PTM was well-attended, with many parents taking advantage of this opportunity to learn more about their child’s education. The open and interactive format of the event allowed for candid discussions about student strengths and weaknesses, and provided a forum for teachers to offer guidance and support to parents.

In addition to the individual meetings with teachers, the PTM also featured a number of informative sessions and workshops, designed to help parents support their child’s education. These sessions covered a range of topics, including effective study strategies, the use of technology in the classroom, and resources for helping children with special needs.

Overall, the Parent-Teacher Meet was a success in building strong relationships between parents, teachers, and administrators. It provided a valuable platform for discussing student progress and developing strategies for supporting student success, and we look forward to hosting similar events in the future.

Event Details

  • Start: October 30, 2022 @ 8:00 am
  • End: November 17, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
  • Event Category:


Celebrating Athletic Achievements and Sportsmanship